A Foray into Rust: Euler One

R (Chandra) Chandrasekhar

2021-07-31 | 2023-11-26

Estimated Reading Time: 15 minutes

As a programmer, I am long in the tooth. I started out with FORTRAN, went on to Forth, and settled with C through three decades or more. Later, it was MATLAB and Octave for high level computing. For scripting, I used Perl or bash. Python, the current darling of programmers, is an unknown bourne to me.

So why did I choose Rust as the new programming language to learn? Rust is the emerging programming language, developed at Mozilla [1]. It has been consistently voted the most loved programming language in Stack Overflow Developer Surveys [2]. End-users, such as scientists, are turning to Rust when Python has proven inadequate for some reason [3]. And corporate users include Dropbox, Mozilla, Microsoft, npm, etc. [4].

But there are other, more personal, reasons as well. My previous bet on the future was on Haskell. I have tried many times to learn it, almost always giving up in despair, because I was put off by the unfamiliar notation, and its corpus of arcana, like monads, touted by the cognoscenti, as the way to tell the men from the boys. Enough about the why. Now for the how.

I decided to start learning Rust by solving Project Euler Problem One—henceforth called Euler One, the problem, or the question—using Rust. This is a chronicle of my first efforts, including false starts, errors, backtracks, etc.

Project Euler Problem One

The statement of the problem is simple and pellucid:

Multiples of 3 or 5

If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23.

Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000. [Emphasis is mine]

Algorithm for problem solving

The algorithm for problem solving is [5]:

  1. Read the question carefully.
  2. Understand the question correctly.
  3. Answer the question precisely.

The problem asks for all the multiples of \(3\) or \(5\) below \(1000\). I have emphasized the words that require careful understanding and thought. Care at this stage of acquaintance with the problem staves off many a careless mistake by nipping it in the bud.

Parsing the question

The word “or”

I have emphasized three words in the problem definition: all, or, and below. The first is obvious. Let us look at the other two.

The phrase “multiples of 3 or 5” may be interpreted in two ways. If we think of it as an inclusive or, then it means “multiples of \(3\), multiples of \(5\), and multiples of both \(3\) and \(5\)”.

If we think of it as an exclusive or, then it means “multiples of \(3\), multiples of \(5\), but not multiples of both \(3\) and \(5\)”.

Since the qualification of “but not both” is absent from the rubric, we will assume an inclusive or, i.e., the first interpretation.

The word “below”

The word “below” introduces the mathematical relation \(<\) as opposed to \(\leq\). This means all multiples of three or five that are less than \(1000\), excluding \(1000\).

The time spent in looking at the question through a magnifying glass is time well spent, because it forces us to assume the mindset of the author who carefully crafted the question. We thereby become acquainted with the possibilities for pitfalls and potholes that could otherwise upend our efforts.

Initial thoughts

The multiples of \(3\) are those numbers, which when divided by \(3\), leave a remainder of zero. Likewise the numbers which leave a remainder of zero when divided by \(5\) are multiples of \(5\). This implies integer arithmetic, and that in turn, could mean we have to declare the type of numbers we are using. Floating point division will never do for our problem. But anyway, division is problematic; witness the caveat that the divisor may not be zero in the field of rational numbers, \(\mathbb{Q}\).

In terms of division, the % operator for integer division from other programming languages suggests itself. But is division the most natural way to identify the multiples of a number? Should it not be multiplication instead? It is time to start thinking with a beginner’s mind.

We also need a structure like an array or list where numbers may be appended or inserted until the stopping condition is reached. If we keep a running total, though, we do not need anything else except three receptacles: one for the sum of multiples of three, \(s_3\), another for the sum of multiples of five, \(s_5\), and one more for the sum of multiples of \(15\), \(s_{15}\). Let us try the latter option first, and leave arrays for a later refinement.

Setting the bounds

We know that \(1000 \div 3 = 333\) with a remainder of \(1\). The largest multiple of \(3\) less than \(1000\) is therefore, \(333 \times 3 = 999\). The number of multiples of \(3\), \(n_{3}\), we will be dealing with is thus \(333\).

Likewise, \(1000 \div 5 = 200\) with a remainder of \(0\). Since \(1000\) is a multiple of \(5\), we need the next lower multiple of \(5\) below \(1000\), which is $1000 - 5 = \(995\). Now, \(995 \div 5 = 199\); so \(n_{5} = 199\).

With \(15\), we have \(1000 \div 15 = 66\) with a remainder of \(10\). So, \(66 \times 15 = 990\) is the upper bound, and the number of multiples \(n_{15}\) is \(66\).

Because \(15\) is a multiple of both \(3\) and \(5\), we need to ensure that we do not add its multiples twice in our summations.

Venn diagram representation

Viewing a problem pictorially often helps us to grasp it better. In this case, it is not a graph but a Venn diagram that helps. In Figure 1, we use circles A and B to represent the sets of multiples of \(3\) and \(5\) respectively. The two circles overlap because there exist numbers that are multiples of both \(3\) and \(5\): these are the multiples of \(15\).

Figure 1: Venn diagram relating multiples of 3, shown as set A, multiples of 5 as set B, and multiples of 15 as their intersection A\cap B.

We know from set theory that what we are after is \(A \cup B\) or the union of the sets \(A\) and \(B\). Also, the number of elements in the sets are related by \[ n(A \cup B) = n(A) + n(B) - n(A\cap B). \qquad{(1)}\] The expression \(n(A)\), for example, denotes the number of (unique) elements in the set \(A\). Equation 1 gives us a convenient way of counting the multiples of \(3\) or \(5\), without double counting the multiples of \(15\).


The most direct algorithm to solve the problem in pseudocode is:

  1. Define \(s_3\) as the cumulative sum of the multiples of \(3\), and initialize it to \(0\).

  2. Define \(s_5\) as the cumulative sum of the multiples of \(5\), and initialize it to \(0\).

  3. Define \(s_{15}\) as the cumulative sum of multiples of \(15\), and initialize it to \(0\).

  4. Loop through the natural numbers \(\mathbb{N}\) from \(1\) to \(333\), compute the multiples of \(3\), one at a time, and add it to \(s_3\).

  5. Loop through the natural numbers \(\mathbb{N}\) from \(1\) to \(199\), compute the multiples of \(5\), one at a time, and add it to \(s_5\).

  6. Loop through the natural numbers \(\mathbb{N}\) from \(1\) to \(66\), compute the multiples of \(15\), one at a time, and add it to \(s_{15}\).

  7. Evaluate \((s_3 + s_5 - s_{15})\) and present it as the desired result. See Equation 1 for an explanation.


I envisage three independent for loops to achieve this. The pseudocode could read:

s3 = s5 = s15 = 0 # initialize variables

for n in [1:333]
  s3 = s3 + 3*n

for n i [1:199]
  s5 = s5 + 5*n

for n i [1:66]
  s15 = s15 + 15*n

print (s3 + s5 - s15)

We have implicitly assumed that the for loop increment is \(1\). The mathematical convention for a closed interval is used above to denote that both the upper and lower limits are inclusive.

First attempt

Let us barge ahead using the syntax of Rust and see how the above pseudo code fleshes out. It turns out that Rust supports five types of loop and we need the one with the for flavour, called the iterator loop.

There is also an example on that web page that is similar to our problem. It uses a for loop, but the variable holding the sum is initialized using the mut keyword. Let us copy the code fragment and change it to suit our purposes:

// Attempt Number 1
    let mut s3 = 0;
    let mut s5 = 0;
    let mut s15 = 0;

    for n in 1..333 {
      s3 += n*3;

    for n in 1..199 {
      s5 += n*5;

    for n in 1..66 {
      s15 += n*15;

    println(s3 + s5 - s15);

Not surprisingly, the above fragment contains numerous errors and would not compile. So, I needed to backtrack to see an example of the archetypal “Hello World!” program to get the proper invocatory syntax. Languages like C and Java come with some baggage that needs to be wrapped around the core code so that it may be rendered into an executable program. Rust seems to have borrowed this characteristic from them. Note the use of s3 += n*3; which is shorthand for s3 = s3 + n*3. The += operator is available in Rust, but not always in other languages.

Second attempt

My second attempt at the program, with proper indentation, is now:

 // Attempt Number 2
fn main() {
    let mut s3 = 0;
    let mut s5 = 0;
    let mut s15 = 0;

    for n in 1..333 {
        s3 += n*3;

    for n in 1..199 {
        s5 += n*5;

    for n in 1..66 {
        s15 += n*15;

    println!("{}", s3 + s5 - s15);

I have wrapped the whole code fragment with a main() function just as in C. Moreover, I have learned that println! is a macro rather than a function and that it is invoked as shown. This has already disheartened me a bit because something too much like C or Java—with a lot of clunky statements for simple actions—is a step in the wrong direction for an easier-to-use programming language. Let us hope it does not rain pickaxes and shovels when we compile the code!

This time, the code was compiled without a murmur. Upon execution, the answer was \(232164\). Is it correct? Or have we tripped somewhere?

Result with Octave

The easiest and laziest way to check the result was to use a naturally vector-based language to verify the above result. I chose Octave as it is freely available, and I know it somewhat. Because the natural data structure in Octave is a vector or a matrix, I could type out the whole sequence using the syntax [start:step:end] and sum it up to get the three sums of multiples. The code was so easy, that I could write it without reference to paper:

sum([3:3:999]) + sum([5:5:995]) - sum([15:15:990])

and this gave a result of \(233168\). Ouch! it differs from the result using Rust. I must also say that, though laconic, Octave got the job done with very little fuss or fanfare. Vectorized code is both more powerful and simpler to understand and maintain. The best language for someone working with vectors is one that supports them natively.

We must now make a third, “repair and maintenance” attempt with the rust code.


The rust program is so simple that the most likely error must lie with the limits in the for loop. Indeed, an experienced programmer would have seen it at once.

Programming languages are notoriously inconsistent on two fronts:

  1. Whether they start their indexing with \(0\) or with \(1\); and
  2. Whether their index ranges are on closed intervals \([a, b]\), or semi-closed intervals \([a, b)\), or \((a, b]\), or open intervals \((a, b).\)

One would have thought that common sense would impel language designers to adopt uniform conventions on these two issues. Unfortunately the authors of programming languages have rather fiercely held philosophical notions, and a divide persists. Thus each foray into a new language must be cautiously done with these two factors in mind.

In our case, we need to hark back to the definition of the .. range operator in Rust. The expression start..end means that the index variable i lies in a semi-closed interval: start <= i < end. The end parameters in each case need to be increased by one in our program. Our third attempt is shown below:

Third attempt

 // Attempt Number 3
fn main() {
    let mut s3 = 0;
    let mut s5 = 0;
    let mut s15 = 0;

    for n in 1..334 {
        s3 += n*3;

    for n in 1..200 {
        s5 += n*5;

    for n in 1..67 {
        s15 += n*15;

    println!("{}", s3 + s5 - s15);

This again complied incident-free and the result that popped out was \(233168\). Bingo! It is the same as what Octave gave us. That is a reassuring feeling. The real arbiter of truth, though, is mathematics. What does it say?

The Gold Standard

We are fortunate that in this case, the mathematics is both simple and well known. We are dealing with the sums of three arithmetic progressions (AP). The first term in an AP is usually denoted \(a\) and the common difference is denoted by \(d\). The number of terms is usually \(n\). The last term is \(a_n = a + (n - 1)d\), and the sum to \(n\) terms is \[ a + a + d + a + 2d + a + 3d + \cdots + a + (n - 1)d = \frac{n}{2}\left( a + a_n \right) \qquad{(2)}\] Using this formula, for the multiples of \(3\), we have \(a = 3\), \(n = 333\) and \(a_n=999\), giving us \[ s_3 = \frac{333}{2}\left( 3 + 999\right) = 166833. \] Likewise, for the multiples of \(5\), we have \(a = 5\), \(n = 199\) and \(a_n = 995\), yielding \[ s_5 = \frac{199}{2}\left( 5 + 995\right) = 99500. \] Finally, the sum of multiples of \(15\) is given by \[ s_{15} = \frac{66}{2}\left( 15 + 990\right) = 33165. \]

The required sum, \(s\) is therefore \[ s= s_3 + s_5 - s_{15} = 166833 + 99500 -33165 = 233168. \] So, we have indeed got the correct result!


The single-line Octave program made the solution seem laughably easy. Why? Because the standard data structure in Octave is a vector or a matrix. In the context of Rust, we may pose these questions:

  1. Does Rust have a ready implementation of vectors that may be called upon?

  2. Would such an implementation be faster? Less error prone? Easier to visualize and troubleshoot?

I had a little peep at the possibilities with Rust and realized that being a multi-paradigm language, Rust provides many possibilities to accomplish the same task. And the choices available will overwhelm a Rust-neophyte like me. Moreover, once the simplicity of scalars is left behind, the knowledge curve with vectors is rather steep. So, vectorizing must promise returns commensurate with the learning effort. I will leave vectors in Rust for another day.


The FizzBuzz coding problem is a natural successor to EulerOne. The original problem, used in early school to teach multiplication, is stated for coding below:

For every integer from \(1\) to \(n\), print Fizz if it is divisible by \(3\), Buzz if it is divisible by \(5\), and FizzBuzz if it is divisible by \(15\). Otherwise, do nothing. [For our purposes, we may set an upper limit as \(n < 1000\).]

This is a favourite coding-interview problem because it is simple enough to reveal the thought processes of the candidate who wrote the program. Note that we are asked to sort the numbers into four groups.

Vectors and set intersections are the easiest way to achieve this, but Rust presents a steep climb in knowledge acquisition before even meagre results start trickling in.

With Euler One, we have already computed the sums of multiples of \(3\), \(5\), and \(15\), which are less than \(1000\). But we did not retain the multiples themselves as separate entities.

Octave implementation of FizzBuzz

In Octave, the implementation of FizzBuzz is starkly simple. The availability of the set difference as an operation gives us a ready-made solution as shown below. Of course, I have not printed the output, but the vectors named fizz, buzz and fizzbuzz contain the numbers whose elements are associated with these responses.1 This is more a “proof-of-concept” demonstration, rather than a proper solution, because the logic associating the response with the number is missing.

% FizzBuzz
threes = [3:3:999];
fives = [5:5:995];
fifteens = [15:15:990];
fizz = setdiff (threes, fifteens);
buzz = setdiff (fives, fifteens);
fizzbuzz = fifteens;

Closing thoughts

To learn Rust requires fortitude of mind and heart. It is not for the timid. It is no swimming-pool language; it plumbs the ocean deeps. Its power must lie in its apparent versatility. I do not feel any heart-tug to learn it when Ocatve, like Aladdin’s Lamp, is there to fulfil my programming wishes. But for those who are professional programmers, I think that missing out on Rust might be like missing out on the main course in a meal.


After I had written this blog, I came across a fascinating blog on Euler One [6].

He has made the very valid point that whenever we are faced with products of a constant \(k\) with sums of the first \(n\) numbers, we may use the formula for the sum of the first \(n\) numbers in closed form to give us the required product frugally as \(k\frac{n(n + 1)}{2}\). In this way, we multiply only twice instead of \(n\) times.2

I urge you to read the blog to stretch your mental muscles, while at the same time developing an appreciation for the beauty of mathematics. Try your own hand at analyzing the seemingly simple Euler One problem and see whether it gives you insights that you did not have before.

Caveat Lector! or Reader Beware! or Disclaimer

I am learning Rust. What I have written here represents my efforts at learning. The code here is not mature, idiomatic Rust code and should not be construed as such. Do not take it as an example of how to code in Rust. Experienced “Rustaceans” who find errors are requested to email me with their corrections. 😐


Please email me your comments and corrections.

A PDF version of this article is available for download here:


—. Rust. Retrieved 1 August 2021 from https://research.mozilla.org/rust/
Jake Goulding. 2020. What is Rust and why is it so popular? Retrieved 1 August 2021 from https://stackoverflow.blog/2020/01/20/what-is-rust-and-why-is-it-so-popular/
Jeffrey M Perkel. 2020. Why scientists are turning to Rust. Despite having a steep learning curve, the programming language offers speed and safety. Retrieved 1 August 2021 from https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-03382-2
Gints Dreimanis. 2020. 9 Companies That Use Rust in Production. Retrieved 1 August 2021 from https://serokell.io/blog/rust-companies
R (Chandra) Chandrasekhar. 2023. Secrets of Academic Success. Timeless Principles for Lifelong Learning. Retrieved 24 November 2023 from https://swanlotus.netlify.app/sas-manuscript/SAS-partial.pdf
Bryan Haney. 2020. Another Unreasonably Deep Dive into Project Euler Problem 1. Retrieved 25 November 2023 from https://iambryanhaney.medium.com/another-unreasonable-deep-dive-into-project-euler-problem-1-51a3a841ad67#:~:text=The%20Problem,0%20modulo%203%20or%205

  1. If a particular number does not reside in any of these three vectors, there is no response.↩︎

  2. That is the power of the distributive law.↩︎

Copyright © 2006 – , R (Chandra) Chandrasekhar. All rights reserved.